Hi! Salam. We are coming to my 3rd post about Aussie. Since I got some free time now, I am planning of finishing this stories off. As previously mentioned, we traveled from Sydney to Wagga-Wagga by bus which departed nearly 4.00pm Sydney time. We headed to North a bit actually and arrived there at 12.00 something in the midnight where Prof Patrick Ball is waiting for us patiently in the very cold windy night at the railway station. Traveling by bus for almost 10 hours is a norm to me. BUT! the air pollution made by a local pair sitting 2 rows behind me was really killing me! Ainul and Asma whom sitting right behind me can only stood still and hold in the angry. They are so loud throughout the journey. Aren't they tired talking, make jokes, giggling, laughing for that 10 hours straight? I wonder. Forget bout them. As soon as we arrived and stepped out off the bus, I can feel the cold straight down to my bone. Super cold! Everyone rushing to get into the van drove by Prof Ball for some heat. Next George came driving the mini bus and a small truck for our luggage. Actually both of them are pharmacy lecturer. In Wagga-Wagga (i'm not sure about Australia itself), the lecturer supposed to have their own bus license. They don't hire driver for school trip/activities etc. The lecturer will drive the students by themselves. Interesting enough? Hehe. We were taken to our respective rent houses. House 1: Me, Solha, Ainul, Kak Dhabit, Asma', Arifah, Pijah,Faiqa, Mai, and Fatin. House 2: Kak Aida, Lily, Najwa, Kimi, Kaled, Kak Fatin, Ani, Huda (just them I think). House 3: Mahmud, Anis, Fawwaz, Hazwan, Yana, Bihah, Nani. (I'm not sure though). House 1 and House 2 quite near. Opposite. House 3 quite far on different road but still within walking distance. The house was great! Was big enough for 10 of us. Alhamdulillah, Sol quite fast in booking the room for us. We got bed with heater. In that house, we and Asma/Ainul getting that kind of bed. Sedap tido.
Living Hall |
The kitchen |
On the next morning, we were getting prepared to go to Charles Sturt University. From what we've been told by Carl (the driver/the pharmacist), CSU have 2 branches which are in Wagga-Wagga itself and another one in Orange.First thing first. We EAT! we paid much, so we ate much la kan. That day we were introduced to Vegiemart. It is salty fish if i'm not mistaken. I don't even tried cause the smell is not pleasurable for me. But is is actually the favorite and famous snack there in Wagga2. After we ate, we were taken to jalan2 by Carl around the campus. It was signage of kangaroo but we can't see them at that moment. Then, we went to the hall where the lectures are conducted. We had 3 presentation. 1st is the video conference from a lecturer from CSU Orange, and followed by Muhammed's father (forget his name), and Prof Ball himself. All lectures were great. Then, we were having our lunch which sponsored by Muhammed's father. There, I was introduced to an Arabic food, which named was forgotten (*poor me) and the lunch was superb! Delicious! Then, we were taken for jalan2 around Wagga2 town if I'm not mistaken. Next thing I assured, we got back for a short time for pray then, we were taken to Pharmacy Building CSU where we were divided into 5 groups. My group's name is Nasi Lemak consist of Huda, Kaled, me, Sol, Arifah, Kak Fatin, Asma and Ainul. WE ARE HAVING QUIZ!! We actually compete among us. The quiz covered few sessions representing the genre of questions. 1st session is about Pharmacy knowledge, then, Olympics, then, General knowledge about Australia and about Malaysia itself. The quiz host by George (a pharmacist/a driver), 3 students of Pharmacy students. The quiz observed by Carl and Prof Ball. Anddddd our group won the 1st place!!!!Yeeehhaa. Actually we was 2nd place after K.Aida's group. However during the last session, we managed to cross them over by one point! =D Hehehe. But no rewards =( Then, we ate. Prof Ball treated us Fish & Chips and some other side foods. It was delicious! Then we proceed with real-life dispense practice. Each group can choose their own medications from the cabinet and we act as the pharmacist meanwhile George act as the patient. It was great. We chose an eczema cream. The night then proceed to the lab where we were having another competition on making cream. Every one work in pair where I paired up with Solha. It was actually the same thing as what we did in our 1st year Pharmacy Practice. But we forgot. Huhu. The winner got the gold color mortar and pestle and Anis & Mahmud couple got that.The mixing was easy but to put the cream into the jar was quite challenging. After finished the game, we headed home to sleep ^_^
CSU!! |
Compounding Competition |
On 1st Sept, we woke up and excited to visit Junee Chocolate & Licorice Factory! The building was old fashioned and small. The chocolate was not bad. I bought a lot!I think I finished about $70-$80 for the chocolate only hehe. Next thing is we went to Carl's farm. He got a huge farm. He owns cows, sheep, and we also able to drove APV and some of us did ride the motor-cross bike. Then he brought us to his house. Subhanallah, atas bukit! They don't admire the big house but they have huge land. He owns Alpakka at the back of his house. Not sure how many of them but I was told, Alpakka has the most expensive fur on market. Imagine how rich they are. We were treated nicely there, we ate a lot, his wife did bake muffin for us which was so delicious. He got 2 cute big cat which one of it named Pepper. So fluffy! Then, we were drove to the mart to shop ingredients and foods. Why?? Because we were having the Cultural Night on that night! We cook Nasi lemak, bihun goreng, dessert, and other side dishes. We invited Carl & wife, Prof Ball & wife, and those CSU students. Home 1 which is our house was in-charge in cooking Nasi Lemak. Wau, sisters of my class not only excel in studies but also in cooking. Since all of them focusing on cooking, so I bring myself to clean up the house, keep the bed, etc. All was completed within 1 half hour. We did sang and photo shoot in the night and was hoping they were happy with our hospitality.
Making tea lemonade |
Ainul introducing the food ^_^ |
Choc tasting at Junee Chocolate & Licorice Factory |
Alpakka at Carl's house. Cute aren't they? |
2nd Sept is our last day in Wagga-Wagga. We went to CSU for some pictures as memory and depart to Melbourne by train. We were send off by Prof Ball for train at nearly 2.00pm which actually was delayed. In the train, we were silence and enjoy the panorama throughout our journey. The view was beautiful especially the sheep and Canola field. Few minutes passed 7.00pm, we reached Melbourne airport. We prayed and ate. There's Duty Free shop so I shop some perfume for my mother and siblings but sadly I forgot to claim them after I passed the security. Inside, I managed to buy my dad a perfume and luckily it was not left out. Not my rezki perhaps. We departed at 12.45 am on 3rd Sept and we arrived at 7.40am. According to the pilot, we were a bit faster than the schedule. Alhamdulillah safely arrived Malaysia.
Bye bye house, Bye bye WaggaWagga |
That was the greatest memory and I wish I won't forget any part of the trip for my entire life =)
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