Friday, February 8, 2013

New Year Wish List !

SALAM, It's the 2nd month of 2013 today. For almost 4 years I never felt any excitement of New Year because since this past 4 years, we had final examination which started by the end of December and only finished in the middle of January. Oh hey, Happy New Year ! Like every other years, everyone will normally do a wish-list of the year or azam tahun baru what we called in layman language. So what's yours? Well for me, I really-really want to finish up this Degree (B.Pharm) without any extended semester. Since this is the 1st lecture week of our final-sem-gonna-be, I felt this sem is gonna be tough. Total up, I'm going to take 15 credits for this semester. Secondly, after finish up studies, I wish to get the job as soon as possible. I don't even mind where will I begin the PRPs (housemanship) as long as I've given the placement. But my parents do really hope that I could work in Sg. Petani. I'm OK with that too. Indeed beforehand, we will be having some tough moment in this semester which includes industrial VIVA and SPA interview.  Thirdly, I want to get married or at least engaged to errr don't know who yet. Fourthly, I want to travel in Malaysia with my siblings ! We've dream of it for a very very long time ago. Earlier, we've planned to Japan but looking at our current economical status now, I guess holiday in Malaysia itself won't do much harm. Whatever wish-list I had, I just wanna be graduated first ! May Allah ease the way. Please please please pray for us all.